For a List of All Rad. Online & Instructor-led training please use the link below.
Copy of the Training Module slides
Viewing these slides is NOT a substitute for taking courses required by the Radiation Safety Committee.
These slides are here for your benefit and to be used to ASSIST you when completing your exams.
Occupational Radiation Worker Training Classifications and Required Training
Required Modules
Ancillary User
RAM use not permitted. Can occupy lab.
Normal User
Any work with a radioactive material.
0, 1, 2, 4
Qualified User
Authorized to run lab in absence of P.U. Can order and receive RAM
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Principal User
Responsible for radiation safety in lab.
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
X-Ray User
Works directly with radiation producing machines.
0, 4, 8
Qualified X-Ray User
Authorized to run x-ray lab in absence of P.U.
0, 4, 8
Principal User X-Ray
Responsible for Radiation safety in x-ray lab.
0, 4, 6, 8
Density Gauge User
Permitted use of Density Gauges
0, 4, 10
Principal User Density Gauge
Authorized to store and use Density Gauges.
0, 4, 6, 10
Irradiator/Sealed Source User
Authorized to use Irradiator / Sealed Source.
0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7
Principal User Irradiator/ Sealed Source
Authorized to possess, store, and use irradiator or sealed source
0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7
Veterinary Student
Junior or Senior Vet Student at CSU
VM-714, 9
Animal Holder
Individuals hired to hold animals during x-ray procedures at the Veterinary Teaching Complex
0, 8 (4 if employed for 3 or more years)
General Radiation Course Information
Requirements of the Radiation Safety Program include radiation safety training for all users of radiation. This includes those whose official duties may potentially expose them to radiation.
The primary responsibility for providing adequate training for individuals who work routinely with radiation sources rests with the Principal User.
The Radiation Control Office, however, has traditionally provided radiation safety training to ensure that regulatory requirements for training have been met.
The Radiation Safety Committee has established training requirements for all radiation users. These requirements are outlined in the Radiation Control Manual and in Radiological Instruction No. 44 (RI-44). The schedule for the training modules (courses) is attached.
Previous CSU training is still valid and persons with the appropriate level of training for their level of radiation use will not be required to repeat training. Additional training requirements will be discussed during Orientation (Mod 0) training. Module 4 is scheduled via the Radiation Control Office and is essentially an inspection and interview with an individual or laboratory group to verify if the training they have received by the Radiation Control Office and documented in-lab training provided by the Principal User is being followed. Users that have experience and training from another institution can submit documentation of this training and experience and the RCO may allow the user to take a Challenge tests for modules 1, 2, and or 5 depending on the training and experience documentation relative to the individual modules. Users will not be exempt from modules 0, 3 and 6 as these courses are specific to operations at Colorado State University.
Please post this training schedule in the laboratory or in a common area and provide this information to qualified users. Please register for the training courses via the RCO website. You will need CSU ID. Please contact RCO by phone(491-4835), by fax (491-4804), or by mail (Environmental Health Services- 6021) if you have questions.
Class size is limited to 15 people, therefore you should register for your classes as soon as possible. Any class with less than 5 persons will be contacted about rescheduling the course. If 5 or more people need to take a specific course, an individual can call the RCO to set up a time to have any of the training courses (except Module 2) taught at EHS or the individuals’ location. In addition to the schedule provided below, Module 0 can be taught at anytime convenient to the RCO and an individual. On an individual basis, Modules 0, 6 and 7 are scheduled through the RCO (1-4835) and taught at EHS.