Emergency Response
EHS’s emergency response division is in place to minimize hazards to Colorado State University students, faculty, staff,
the general public and the environment. These emergencies include fires, explosions, the unplanned release of hazardous
materials etc. Numerous EHS personnel are trained in emergency response protocols.
Information about the management of large emergency response incidents at the University can be found under the
Public Safety web site.
What Constitutes an Emergency?
An emergency is defined as a fire, explosion or release of hazardous material that could threaten human health or the environment.
Call the CSU Police Department (911) and be sure to give the operator the following information:
- Your name and phone number
- The location (building and room number)
- A description of the incident
Reporting of Non-Emergency Situations Call 491-6745
Public Safety -- Emergency Response Plan
Ask for one of the listed reporting individuals below
Type of Complaint
Who to Call
Food/Water/Indoor Air Quality (odors, etc)
Jeannine Riess
Child Care/Communicable Disease
Jeannine Riess
Jeannine Riess
Eric March
Biohazardous Materials
Rebecca Moritz
Hazardous Materials
Chris Giglio
Confined Space
Eric March
Ken Quintana
Sumrati Tickoo
Radiological Hazards
Jim Abraham, Joe Tessari
Mixed Waste
Jim Abraham, Joe Tessari
Petroleum Fuel or Oils (SPCC)
James Graham
Mold/Water Damage
Doug Rice